Wildlife Rescue Australia (WRA) is an Australia-wide, specialist volunteer organisation dedicated to the rescue of native animals. Established in 2011, WRA operates a nation wide emergency 24-hour, 7 day-a-week Call Centre staffed by home-based volunteer coordinators trained to assist in all aspects of animal rescues.
To achieve its objective, WRA has established a state-of-the-art communication and emergency response system, consisting of a Call Centre and underpinned by a comprehensive database of rescuers, carers, veterinary surgeons, and other wildlife professionals
When a call is received it is routed to one of our home-based phone coordinators on duty. The system automatically creates a call record & logs the date & time. Information on the type of animal & location is provided by the caller and a map is generated highlighting all available Rescuers, Carers, Native Animal Groups, Vets & other wildlife professionals in the area in question. The phone coordinator then contacts the most appropriate wildlife professional available and arranges the rescue.
With ever increasing extreme weather events & bushfires, your donations will help WRA to expand and upgrade its website, database, software, volunteer workforce and technology, to meet the growing demand of injured and displaced wildlife.
Wildlife Rescue Incorporated is a registered Charity and All donations over $2 are tax deductible
Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.
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